We invite you to choose the courses financed by UZT for the employed and unemployed.

Datacademy, a licensed academy, organizes courses financed by the Employment Service of the Republic of Lithuania.
The programs provide high value-added competence(s) specified in the list of High Value-Added Qualifications and Competences approved by the Director of Employment Services..
Funded courses organized by Datacademy: Data analytics course

UZT vizualas

The course is balanced for both beginners and advanced data analysts. The material is full of advanced data analytics information, exercises and examples.

You will gain a general understanding of what data analysis is, you will see real data analysis solutions using the most advanced tools and task solutions. You will get to know, see the requirements of employers and the real tasks posed to data analysts in employment selections.

Type and time of lectures:

​The standard time for full-time courses funded by UZT is from 09:00 to 16:00 h.
3 times / per week.
Duration - 9 weeks.
Number of students in a group: up to 15 students.
Status: Group is being dialed


​The standard time for evening courses funded by UZT is from 17:30 to 21:30 h.
4 times / per week.
Duration - 10 weeks.
Number of students in a group: up to 15 students.
Status: Group is being dialed


How to use the funding of the Employment Service to study at the DATACADEMY academy:

  1. Choose the courses that interest you;
  2. Register;

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  1. Check the Employment Service option at registration. Example: UZT are financed - Yes
  2. Submit all wishes related to the start of the course in time in the registration field: Comment.
  3. Get approval (up to 15 students can study in a group, so approval from the academy administration is a very important step);
  4. Fill out the questionnaire at the employment service and get an appointment with a consultant Instructions on how to register at the employment service: https://uzt.lt/registracija-uzimtumo-tarnyboje/43
  5. After receiving confirmation, inform the DATACADEMY administration: neringa.r@datacademy.lt or info@datacademy.lt
  6. Get all the information about the start of the courses, the teachers.